Posts tagged World Heritage site

Roadtrippin’ Across America & Canada

This is the year of the wedding.  Between the two of us, we were invited to a total of 11(!!) weddings this year all across the US and in Europe.  While we consider ourselves very lucky to have such a great network of friends, and love celebrating these big moments in their lives, it was […]

Back on the Road

After almost a month at home in the States and some great time spent catching up with friends and family, it was time to get back out on the (international) road at the end of May.   Our first stop was Romania where we attended the wedding of some of our good friends.  We stayed a […]

Last Stop in Asia: The Philippines

We saved the Philippines for our last stop in Asia on “Leg 3” of the trip, and it was worth the wait. However, actually making it to our destination in El Nido, a small town on the northern tip of the island of Palawan, was another story.  It took us just about 36 long hours […]

UNESCO in our Backyard: Visiting the Statue of Liberty

The Statue of Liberty Standing Tall

“The United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) seeks to encourage the identification, protection and preservation of cultural and natural heritage around the world considered to be of outstanding value to humanity.” – One of our goals on this trip is to visit as many of these World Heritage sites as possible. As […]