Posts tagged market

Trip Reflections

Now that it’s been a little while since our 15-month trip has ended, we have had some time to look back and reflect on our incredible adventure. This blog has been a great way to share our journey and we wanted to thank all of you for following along. We have been back in New […]

We Didn’t Appreciate Our Backpacks Until the Airline Lost The...

After our two weeks in Tanzania, it was time to head back to Europe to attend our friend’s wedding in Northern England. Four flights and 27 hours later, we arrived in Newcastle. Unfortunately, our bags did not. Hard to believe that in the 60+ flights we have taken this year, this was the first time […]

Country Hopping: 15 Days in Singapore, Cambodia and Laos

After having spent about six weeks in Southeast Asia (in Myanmar, Thailand and Indonesia), we were starting to feel like we were getting the hang of it. We were recognizing similarities between the countries we had visited and began to think we knew what to expect. Street food on every block. Crazy motorbikes zooming in […]