Posts tagged Italy

Trip Reflections

Now that it’s been a little while since our 15-month trip has ended, we have had some time to look back and reflect on our incredible adventure. This blog has been a great way to share our journey and we wanted to thank all of you for following along. We have been back in New […]

The Welcoming World We Live In

Last September we were just a few weeks into our trip and were staying with Christina’s friend in Berlin. One morning, we were taking a walk and ran into a couple she knew. We stopped to talk and the subject of our trip came up. After discussing our itinerary and future plans for a few […]

Coast to Coast

The good thing about visiting popular tourist destinations is that they are popular for a reason. They’re beautiful, you can always find amazing restaurants, and there tends to be a lot to see and do. The bad thing (besides the times you have to fight your way through the crowds) is almost always the price. […]

Back on the Road

After almost a month at home in the States and some great time spent catching up with friends and family, it was time to get back out on the (international) road at the end of May.   Our first stop was Romania where we attended the wedding of some of our good friends.  We stayed a […]

Visiting the Top Travel Destination of 2015

Each year, the New York Times Travel section puts out a list of the world’s top “Places to Go.” Contributing writers to The Times provide their nominations and the editors narrow it down based on a number of criteria including city events, attractions and other points of particular interest for that year. For 2015, there […]

Back to Sicily

When it comes to traveling in Italy, there is a well-worn path consisting of a few destinations that seem to always be a part of any itinerary, and with good reason. There’s Florence, along with the entire region of Tuscany, and its beautiful landscapes. There’s floating Venice with its many islands and interconnecting canals. Of […]

Grateful Houseguests: Visiting Friends and Family on the Road

One of the goals of our trip was to visit as many friends and family around the world as possible whom we don’t normally get to see very often. Over the past two weeks, we’ve spent three days staying with family just outside of Paris, reunited with a high school friend in Berlin for a […]