Posts tagged budget travel

Trip Reflections

Now that it’s been a little while since our 15-month trip has ended, we have had some time to look back and reflect on our incredible adventure. This blog has been a great way to share our journey and we wanted to thank all of you for following along. We have been back in New […]

Our Last Stop & Final Trip Stats

We thought it would be fitting to finish our trip where it all began. Back to where we hatched the idea of the trip in the first place – Hawaii. When we first visited Hawaii in 2013, the trip of a lifetime seemed more like a dream than something that we could actually pull off. […]

Roadtrippin’ Across America & Canada

This is the year of the wedding.  Between the two of us, we were invited to a total of 11(!!) weddings this year all across the US and in Europe.  While we consider ourselves very lucky to have such a great network of friends, and love celebrating these big moments in their lives, it was […]

Our Top 15 Trip Planning Tips

Travel planning takes work! Especially if you have plans to visit multiple destinations in a single trip. Here is a list of the 15 things we do before heading to each new stop on our journey. Google our planned itinerary time + location (ex: “5 days in Amsterdam”) to see what other bloggers suggest seeing […]

Coast to Coast

The good thing about visiting popular tourist destinations is that they are popular for a reason. They’re beautiful, you can always find amazing restaurants, and there tends to be a lot to see and do. The bad thing (besides the times you have to fight your way through the crowds) is almost always the price. […]

Last Stop in Asia: The Philippines

We saved the Philippines for our last stop in Asia on “Leg 3” of the trip, and it was worth the wait. However, actually making it to our destination in El Nido, a small town on the northern tip of the island of Palawan, was another story.  It took us just about 36 long hours […]

Country Hopping: 15 Days in Singapore, Cambodia and Laos

After having spent about six weeks in Southeast Asia (in Myanmar, Thailand and Indonesia), we were starting to feel like we were getting the hang of it. We were recognizing similarities between the countries we had visited and began to think we knew what to expect. Street food on every block. Crazy motorbikes zooming in […]

New Zealand: A Budget Traveler’s Challenge

You can’t go far in New Zealand without seeing backpackers. They’re everywhere – hitchhiking on the side of the road, packed into cafes and coffee shops, biking on mountain paths, or checking in to the some of the many “budget” hostels the country has to offer. We use the term “budget” loosely because we had […]

That Time We Got Sick While Traveling

One of the larger pagodas in Bagan

Well, it finally happened – we got sick. It was inevitable that it would happen at some point along the trip, but that provided little comfort to us as we were holed up in our hotel room, unable to move, get out of bed, or eat anything. We had maybe gotten a little overconfident with […]

Spectacular Sri Lanka

Stop reading this blog post. Please. Immediately close this page and open up a new tab… And book your next vacation to Sri Lanka A.S.A.P. This country has it all. Beautiful beaches, ancient ruins and temples for days of exploring, mountains for hiking, national parks for safaris, and even men in skirts. You name it […]