Posts tagged Bali

Trip Reflections

Now that it’s been a little while since our 15-month trip has ended, we have had some time to look back and reflect on our incredible adventure. This blog has been a great way to share our journey and we wanted to thank all of you for following along. We have been back in New […]

The Welcoming World We Live In

Last September we were just a few weeks into our trip and were staying with Christina’s friend in Berlin. One morning, we were taking a walk and ran into a couple she knew. We stopped to talk and the subject of our trip came up. After discussing our itinerary and future plans for a few […]

Slowing Down in Bali

Every day, bright and early, the sound of the roosters crowing in the rice fields outside our villa would wake us up. This was on top of the calls of the geckos, both tiny and surprisingly huge, who loved to sneak inside our bedroom and hang out on the ceiling, sometimes sending little surprises down […]