Posts tagged Asia

Trip Reflections

Now that it’s been a little while since our 15-month trip has ended, we have had some time to look back and reflect on our incredible adventure. This blog has been a great way to share our journey and we wanted to thank all of you for following along. We have been back in New […]

Last Stop in Asia: The Philippines

We saved the Philippines for our last stop in Asia on “Leg 3” of the trip, and it was worth the wait. However, actually making it to our destination in El Nido, a small town on the northern tip of the island of Palawan, was another story.  It took us just about 36 long hours […]

A Week on Okinawa

A Week on Okinawa

World travelers in 2016 are totally spoiled. We have iPhones that we can use to book flights and accommodations, send emails and text messages to stay in touch with everyone back home, read reviews of every activity or restaurant before we visit, and get directions from point A to point B even if we don’t […]

Slowing Down in Bali

Every day, bright and early, the sound of the roosters crowing in the rice fields outside our villa would wake us up. This was on top of the calls of the geckos, both tiny and surprisingly huge, who loved to sneak inside our bedroom and hang out on the ceiling, sometimes sending little surprises down […]

Ringing in 2016 in Dubai

Picture the wildest thing you can imagine and it probably already exists in Dubai. Ski slopes in the middle of the dessert? That makes sense. ATMs that spit out bars of solid gold? Totally necessary. A giant “miracle” garden full of flower replicas of the Eiffel tower and other structures? Right at home here.  If […]

Our Introduction to India

Thirty-one hours from Cappadocia, Turkey, to Amritsar, India. Four flights, three shuttles, and one auto-rickshaw ride got us to within three blocks of our hotel, but that’s as far as they would take us. We were dropped off in the middle of an intersection near a police barricade, our driver pointed us in the general […]

Turkey: From Europe to Asia

Eighteen days after the deadliest bombing in modern day Turkey occurred in the capital city of Ankara, we arrived in Istanbul. This was in addition to a bombing that had happened in Istanbul back in August. For the weeks leading up to our arrival, we had seen the non-stop news coverage of the rising death […]