When family and friends first hear that we are taking this trip, they seem to have a lot of questions for us! Here are a few that we tend to get most frequently.
Where are you going?
You can view our itinerary as it stands now here.
How long will you be gone?
We haven’t set a hard end date. Right now we’re thinking we will be on the move for 12-15 months assuming our money and motivation last!
What are you going to bring
Check out our complete packing list here.
How much planning have you done ahead of time vs. what will you plan along the way?
We have plotted out our basic itinerary and booked the first few weeks of transportation and accommodations. Other than that, we will be planning as we go.
What are you doing with all your stuff?
For the most part, we are getting rid of all of our stuff! We are selling all of our furniture and the rest of what we own will be stored in our parents’ basements and attics until we get back.
What types of accommodation will you stay in?
We will be staying in all kinds of places – hostels, AirBNB, with friends and family members along the way, and even working or volunteering in certain places where they will provide room & board.
How can you afford a trip like this?
In preparing for this trip, we read countless blogs and books as well as talked to people who had taken round-the-world trips. The general consensus is that traveling doesn’t have to be expensive. Of course, as with any trip, we needed to save our money so this has been a focus of ours over the past several years.
For us, we are going to try and “live like locals” as much as possible in order to stretch our budget. This means taking public transportation, eating at local food spots, cutting back on the booze, and staying in hostels or apartments. We also will be using points/miles whenever possible to cover many of our flights and accommodations.
Where will you live when you get back?
Part of the reason we are doing this trip is to figure out what we want to do with our lives and where we want to be. We are keeping an open mind about where and when we will return!
How did you get the idea to travel?
Our inspiration came from many places including from friends who have taken similar trips, our own wanderlust, and lots of research. You can read more about why we decided to travel here.
Have you both done a lot of traveling in the past?
We have both loved all of the traveling we have done. We both lived in Europe after college (Chris in London and Christina in Northern France) which is where we really picked up the travel bug. Chris has also been to parts of Asia and South America for work.
Is there anything you are nervous about?
Of course there are risks of being on the road like getting sick or pickpocketed. We also know there will be times when we get homesick or will miss the routines of our lives back in NYC. However, overall we are just excited to see what this adventure will bring!
Don’t you think you’ll get sick of each other being together all the time?
Spending 24/7 with anyone is bound to get old! We know it will definitely be important to mix things up so we can avoid getting sick of each other. For starters, it won’t always just be the two of us. We’re very lucky that we have friends and family meeting up with us along the way. We’ve also been given the advice that it is important to take time for ourselves, individually. This could be as simple as one person reading quietly, while the other person is on the computer. It will also mean splitting up the responsibilities of trip planning, so we each have our own jobs to work on separately. Finally, a goal of this trip is to get out of our daily routine and to keep things exciting by experiencing new things on this adventure together!