Posts in category Preparations

Our Top 15 Trip Planning Tips

Travel planning takes work! Especially if you have plans to visit multiple destinations in a single trip. Here is a list of the 15 things we do before heading to each new stop on our journey. Google our planned itinerary time + location (ex: “5 days in Amsterdam”) to see what other bloggers suggest seeing […]

A Million Things To Do

In order to get ready for an extended period of travel, we put together an extensive to-do list based on our research. Maybe there weren’t a million items on this list, but we had A LOT to do to get us into a position where we finally feel somewhat prepared. This list included: HEALTH/MEDICAL: • […]

Fitting Our Lives into Two Backpacks

Tech & Other Miscellaneous Gear

Packing. It’s hard enough to plan ahead and pack for a weekend trip away, but when we started thinking about what to bring on our year-long trip, it was pretty overwhelming. Whenever we tell people that we are only bringing one backpack each, usually their eyes get big in disbelief and then the questions start […]

Ready, Set, Save: How We Budgeted for the Trip

After we started discussing our desire to travel the world, the next question that immediately came up was “How can we afford it?” Was it realistic to think we could do something like this? It took a lot of research, a conscious effort to cut back on our spending and ramp up our saving, and […]