Posts in category Asia

Ringing in 2016 in Dubai

Picture the wildest thing you can imagine and it probably already exists in Dubai. Ski slopes in the middle of the dessert? That makes sense. ATMs that spit out bars of solid gold? Totally necessary. A giant “miracle” garden full of flower replicas of the Eiffel tower and other structures? Right at home here.  If […]

Spectacular Sri Lanka

Stop reading this blog post. Please. Immediately close this page and open up a new tab… And book your next vacation to Sri Lanka A.S.A.P. This country has it all. Beautiful beaches, ancient ruins and temples for days of exploring, mountains for hiking, national parks for safaris, and even men in skirts. You name it […]

Reflecting on our Volunteer Experience in India

“India is a land of contrasts” the coordinator of our volunteer program told us during orientation. This became evident to us immediately. The wealth gap stretches way beyond what most other countries experience. On the street you will see women dressed in the most beautiful sarees in every color of the rainbow, but you will […]

Our Introduction to India

Thirty-one hours from Cappadocia, Turkey, to Amritsar, India. Four flights, three shuttles, and one auto-rickshaw ride got us to within three blocks of our hotel, but that’s as far as they would take us. We were dropped off in the middle of an intersection near a police barricade, our driver pointed us in the general […]

Turkey: From Europe to Asia

Eighteen days after the deadliest bombing in modern day Turkey occurred in the capital city of Ankara, we arrived in Istanbul. This was in addition to a bombing that had happened in Istanbul back in August. For the weeks leading up to our arrival, we had seen the non-stop news coverage of the rising death […]