Monthly archives for February, 2016

Eleven Days Down Under

A lot of people asked us why Australia was part of our itinerary. Isn’t it going to be just like back home? Don’t you want to spend time in more exotic places while you have the year off? Isn’t it too expensive for a budget traveler? To be honest, we didn’t know what to expect. […]

New Zealand: A Budget Traveler’s Challenge

You can’t go far in New Zealand without seeing backpackers. They’re everywhere – hitchhiking on the side of the road, packed into cafes and coffee shops, biking on mountain paths, or checking in to the some of the many “budget” hostels the country has to offer. We use the term “budget” loosely because we had […]

Updated FAQs

Before we left for the trip in August, we posted a list of frequently asked questions we had been receiving about the planning and trip preparation process. Now that we’ve been on the road for six months, we wanted to share an updated FAQ list. If there’s anything you are curious about, feel free to […]