Wrapping up Leg One of the Trip

Over the past few weeks, we finished up our time in Greece by hiking among the cliff-side monasteries in Meteora, spending a week in Athens and Santorini with Christina’s sister, Abigail, and her boyfriend, Travis, and then ended with a short stay in Mykonos.

Amazing Meteora

Amazing Meteora

In front of the Acropolis (Photo Cred: Travis)

In front of the Acropolis (Photo Cred: Travis)



Then we spent a week apart. Christina headed home to the States to be a bridesmaid in a wedding in Cincinnati while Chris spent the week with friends in London. Now, we’ve come to the end of our time in Europe and will be in Turkey for one week.

It’s hard to believe that the first leg of our trip is coming to a close. Time flies! Looking back, here are some of the highlights of Leg One…

Favorite Place: Chris – Barcelona; Christina – Milan

Best Meal: Chris – tapas in Barcelona; Christina – pizza in Bellagio

Delicious Tapas

Delicious Tapas

Can't go wrong with a Margherita Pizza

Can’t go wrong with a Margherita Pizza

Favorite Activity: Chris – renting a scooter in Favignana, Sicily; Christina – paddleboarding in Vias, France

Best Beach: We both agree – Bue Marino, Sicily

Bue Marino, Favignana, Sicily

Bue Marino, Favignana, Sicily

Hardest Part: Chris – long travel days; Christina – feeling like we aren’t spending enough time in each place and that we’re on the go too much

On the road again...

On the road again…

What we miss most from home: Friends. Family. Football.

Now that we’re entering into Leg Two of the trip, we wanted to share our updated itinerary. Our original plan was to go from Turkey to Nepal for one week and then on to India. We will no longer be visiting Nepal and instead will head straight to Northern India from Cappadocia, Turkey. Since our visa restrictions only allow us to spend 30 days in India, we have decided to visit Amritsar for three days and then the rest of the month in Jaipur, working with a volunteer organization there. After India, we will be heading to Sri Lanka.

Most of Europe has been easy to navigate and has felt somewhat familiar to what we’re used to back home. So, we’re both incredibly curious (and maybe a little nervous) to finally arrive in India and experience our first truly foreign-feeling destination. Internet will most likely be spotty so we’re not sure when we will be able to post again.

Here’s to a great first leg – thanks to all of you for following along with us on our adventure!

-The Morts


  1. Paulette Paulette
    October 31, 2015    

    What a great posting! It must be so hard to pick favorites. I can’t even pick my favorite post of yours! Love you both and I’m so impressed with your adventures!

  2. Mom's friend Lisa Mom's friend Lisa
    October 31, 2015    

    So much amazingness! You two have done so well with your glorious adventure planing and partaking, you could probably parlay all that experience into new careers if you wished. Your India program sounds great. Have fun at the Taj and please, no hot pants! Thank you for sharing.

    • The Morts The Morts
      November 15, 2015    

      Thanks, Lisa! 🙂

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