Monthly archives for September, 2015

Grateful Houseguests: Visiting Friends and Family on the Road

One of the goals of our trip was to visit as many friends and family around the world as possible whom we don’t normally get to see very often. Over the past two weeks, we’ve spent three days staying with family just outside of Paris, reunited with a high school friend in Berlin for a […]

Paris on a Budget

After having spent a week in rural Réparsac, France, keeping an eye out for mice, flies, spiders the size of your hand, and working with more goats than people, we almost wept tears of joy when we pulled into the Gare du Montparnasse in Paris. The City of Lights made us feel like we were […]

Life on the Goat Farm

The women instructed us to hold out our hands and stick our thumb out, upside down. She then took her own hand and squeezed our thumbs; first with her forefinger and thumb, and then the remaining fingers in descending order. This was her way of simulating how to extract the milk from the goats and […]