Monthly archives for August, 2015

Sipping Bordeaux in Bordeaux

After a chill week in Vias, we hopped on a very hot train, without AC, to head north to Bordeaux for a few nights. This is the first place that we used AirBnB to book a private room. Choosing the private room instead of renting the entire apartment helped us save a few bucks, but […]

Southern (France) Hospitality

Beach In Vias

Good friends. Good food. Great weather. That pretty much sums up our time in Vias, France. We stayed for five days in this small town, near Montpellier, at the family vacation home of one of Christina’s friends, Sebastian. Christina and Seb met during her time living in France after college. Seb’s siblings came along for […]

Gaudí’s Barcelona: Our 3rd UNESCO site

Back of Sagrada Familia

It’s hard to think of any other place where a single architect is so widely praised and represented throughout an entire city than in Barcelona. When we were researching things to do and see during our visit, the name “Gaudí” just kept on popping up. After a few days of walking down Passeig de Gràcia […]

Barcelona: The First Stop

Catedral de Barcelona

After our first long travel day (18 hours to be exact) we made it to Barcelona! We wasted no time getting into the travel groove and navigating the Barcelona public transportation system to get us to our hostel. It had been 6+ years since the last time either of us had stayed in a hostel, […]

A Million Things To Do

In order to get ready for an extended period of travel, we put together an extensive to-do list based on our research. Maybe there weren’t a million items on this list, but we had A LOT to do to get us into a position where we finally feel somewhat prepared. This list included: HEALTH/MEDICAL: • […]